Friday, October 10, 2008

Meet Rainbow, Fireball and Princess Pearl

After Sunshine was picked up, we got to thinking about how to break the news to Meri Alan. She still didn't know. Kenneth and I decided it might go over better if we had something else here for her to focus on. The light bulb went off, we decided to go to the mall and buy hermit crabs. We've never had any before. We're enjoying them so far and so are the girls. Meri Alan hasn't had time to miss the kitty, she and Sara Frances are too busy playing with their new crabs and taking care of Joyner the Dragon! I do miss Sunshine running up and playing with my shoes when I go outside. I'll miss her in the morning when it's time for me to give her a can of food but I'm thankful for how well this has gone and for it not being too painful for my sweet girls. I know that Sunshine will have a great life with her new family. AND I promise that my next post will be about something else... Thanks to everyone for your support, kind words, advice and PRAYERS!
*As a sidenote- I read that hermit crabs are supposed to be hypoallergenic, great pets for people with allergies!! Let's hope so.


Martha Ann said...

So glad to see the newest members of the Wolfe family!

lauren nicole♥♫ said...

Cute hermite crabs!