Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Trip to the Post Office

Mail Girl Meri Alan- making her deliveries Mrs. Francille's Mail Carriers
How cute is this?? Before departing Calvary for the Post Office each child got to deliver a piece of mail to each person in the class.
Addi (or Maddi? not sure), Meri Alan, Leigh Michael, Lydia Beth, and Bailey
Mr. Rico and the class at the Post Office
I had so much fun going with Meri Alan's preschool class to the Post Office today. I went on this same trip with Sara Frances back when she was in preschool. I had forgotten how interesting it is to go behind the counter and see all of the mail being sorted. It's truly amazing how our mail actually gets to our home and pretty quickly at that. We battled the rain this morning but it was well worth it! Fun times!!


JULIE said...

Meri Alan knows how to pose for some pictures. I love looking at all of those kids' facial expressions, and then seeing Meri Alan smiling and posing just right. Her mom must take a lot of pictures of her! :)

ginny said...

What a fun field trip! I wish I could go behind the counter and see what all goes on at the PO!