Monday, September 29, 2008

Piano Playin' Ballerina

I know the above picture doesn't have anything to do with a piano playing ballerina. I just saw it in my files and had to post it! This is Sara Frances' 2 yr. preschool school picture. I think she had just turned 3 when this was taken. Can you believe this baby will be 8 on Saturday? Time has flown even though she' always been so growny. Miss Robyn- this is when she was in your sweet class!!

Activities around here are in full swing. SF gets out of school on Monday, eats a snack and gets dressed for her 2 hour dance class. This has taken her some time to get used to but she said she'd rather do it at once than go another day. She certainly doesn't want to leave anything out. ha! :) It's supper time when she gets home and then she does homework(luckily she doesn't have too much this year) and plays her piano. I'm so excited for her that she's having a good piano experience. She began last year. Mrs. Clayborne teaches some lessons at her school so it's not an extra place she has to go after school. Her teacher is soo kind and encouraging. SF loves that she gets to earn trophies!! She'll do anything with a trophy in her sites. She wanted me to take her pic playing Tambourine Dance, one of her favorites. I love that we were able to revive my grandmother's (Mymy) piano. It's special having it in my house. She would be so happy to see Sara Frances loving to play it!
Both girls are having fantastic years at school so far. They are always excited to go! They LOVE their teachers!!


Granna said...

Every time I see the girls they seem to have grown up more! Hope SF has a great birthday!

Martha Ann said...

happy b'day, SF! Sorry we are going to miss out on the festivities. Hard to believe they are so big!

Carley said...

Awww. I remember SF when she looked like that and sang Rain Rain go away!!!

ginny said...

What a pretty ballerina pianist! Mary Catherine wants to take lessons but we don't have a piano!

Robyn said...

Happy Birthday Sara Frances!!!!
You are such a precious young lady! I'll always remember you teaching me what "Q says". Love you!!