Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Baby School

When Sara Frances and Meri Alan are home together playing and they aren't doing art, chances are they are playing Baby School in the playroom. They get all of the babies together and teach them all kinds of things. One day Meri Alan had drawn pictures of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly and was teaching a lesson! She is holding her newest baby, Nicholas. Meri Alan is the true baby lover but Sara Frances has really learned to love to play too. It's fun to see them having FUN together(well, most of the time, ha!)


JULIE said...

Meri Alan is such a cutie pie! I love having her in Awana. She put on "make believe" make up last Sunday, and then gave me a make-over. It doesn't surprise me at all that she can teach a lesson on the life cycle of a butterfly. :)

Granna said...

Doesn't it warm your heart to see your girls actually playing together? They are both so precious!