Friday, May 1, 2009

Calvary's Spring Music Show

Here is little Meri Alan on her first day of Calvary Preschool. She had just turned 2. Here she is now...
This was my 6th Spring Music Show to get to attend and Meri Alan's 4th to participate in. It was wonderful and a little sad. I won't have a preschooler next year as my "baby" will go to big kindergarten this fall.
I'm so proud that she loves to sing!
Her group sang Little Boy Blue, Humpty Dumpty, Hickory Dickory Dock, I'm Gonna Sing I'm Gonna Shout, and Oh How I Love Jesus.
Mrs. Francille is #1!
Lydia Beth
Lucy Helen
Mrs. Ellen
Me and My Baby!
We went to Wendy's after the show- just what she wanted!!


Robyn said...

Those pictures are so sweet. They made me cry! Calvary Preschool is such a precious time!!! Thanks for sharing!

Heather said...

Robyn ,
You sure did give her a special start to school. You are precious to our family!