Sunday, March 29, 2009

egg drop project

Sara Frances' class has been doing a lot of "eggs"periments at school. For homework she was to figure out a way to drop an egg off of Joyner school without it breaking. She and Kenneth were on the case! They poured Cheerios in the bottom of the bag. Then they put the egg in the middle of a Ziplock filled with cotton balls. That Ziplock was placed on top of the Cheerios. Next they put a Ziplock of Kix cereal on top (we ran out of Cheerios.) They also attached a parachute they made with a garbage bag. Here they are testing it in our den. It works here. Hope it holds up at school tomorrow.
a peek inside the bag
Meri Alan made this pretty angel at Cubbies tonight.


JULIE said...

she did a very good job making her angel, too! :) there was a lot of glue involved.

Granna said...

Busy times!!