Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Awana PJ Night

from left: Vic, Elizabeth, Sarah Katherine, Sarah Ann(in lap), Miss Julie, Lucy Helen and Meri Alan
Awana had pajama night on Sunday. Fun! Fun! Meri Alan was so excited about it she made Sara Frances want to go too. I was happy about that. :)
I actually copied this pic from Carley's page who borrowed it from Miss Julie's Facebook page. I'm trying not to get on Facebook until later in the day. Do you think I'll last? As my friend Wendy says, "It's a time sucker!" I love being on my computer!
Kids just love to wear pajamas. Sara Frances has pajama day at school today and then tonight they get to wear pajamas to movie night at Joyner. Meri Alan has her preschool pajama party next Wednesday. She's extra thrilled because her sweet teacher told her she can bring her doll with matching pj's!


JULIE said...

We had such a fun night! I'm so glad I got to share it with Meri Alan! She was precious and seemed to have a big ole time. :)

ginny said...

Oh, it never occurred to me to take pitures at pajama night on Sunday! Wish I had thought of that. All of the kids -- and teachers -- were so cute in their jammies.