Monday, December 6, 2010

Our Joyner Joey

We were so proud to attend Joyner Junction this past Friday to watch Meri Alan receive a Joyner Joey award for staying on the right track! Way to go, Meri Alan. The picture above is taken with my phone. I had spent the morning at the Nutcracker school show with Sara Frances and realized that my camera battery wasn't in my camera. Luckily I am blessed to have a friend who is a FABULOUS photographer and her grandson, Jacob, was also a Joyner Joey. I was so excited today when Judith emailed me these pictures. I love them and am very thankful she took them.
The first grade entertained by singing Christmas songs.

a hug from Mrs. Morrison

Meri Alan and Jacob


Granna said...

Congrats to Meri Alan! I feel your pain with the camera battery. I took some pictures recently without the memory card in my camera! I was so mad at myself! Hope you guys enjoy the holidays!

heather said...

So proud, Meri Alan! :)